About me
Reproductive & Infertility Endocrinologist

Dr. Radjabi’s holistic approach to fulfilling the FERNY clinic’s mission is one that combines the exceptional medical skills of our team of fertility doctors, mastery of the latest fertility techniques, and the personalized, responsive treatment that meets each patient’s reproductive and emotional needs.

Dr. Radjabi is a double-trained physician and scientist to both European and US standards. He started his first clinical training at the hospital of the University of Vienna, one of the best-known universities in Europe. He then extended his training in the US through research fellowship in basic science at the University of Chicago, where he investigated microRNA’s in ovarian tissue. He then underwent his second clinical residency training at Weill Cornell and St . Barnabas.

He further extended his training by becoming a certified robotic surgeon and then conducted his research fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at New York University with Dr. David Keefe.

Dr. Radjabi holds an appointment to the rank of Professor at the City University of New York and is active as Deputy at the Fertility Research Foundation, a non-govenmental  Organization to the U.N. ( United Nations) where he works on fertility preservation and fights against Female Genital Mutilation. Dr. Radjabi is an active member at the American Society FOR Reproductive Medicine ( ASRM )  and has active medical and surgical licenses in the states of New York, New Jersey, Florida, and California.

Medical SchoolMedical University of Vienna, Austria
DegreesM.D. of Medicine
University of Vienna Hospitals

Residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University of Vienna Hospitals, Vienna, Austria

Weill Cornell

Residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology at Weill Cornell, New York Downtown (PGY1) and St. Barnabas, Monmouth

University of Chicago

Research fellowship at the University of Chicago

New York University

Research fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at New York University


A highly respected clinician and researcher, Dr Radjabi has conducted seminars on various fertility and reproductive health topics for the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, and he addresses important areas of women’s reproductive health to the United Nations General Assembly. Dr. Radjabi is also a deputy of the Fertility Research Foundation, a non-governmental organization at the UN.

Dr. Radjabi’s research initiatives have resulted in important advances in reproductive technology that provide the best fertility care. He was the first to extract miRNAs (micro RNAs) from formalin embedded tissues in the State of Illinois, and established this technique at the University of Chicago Hospitals. He has measured miRNA gene expressions analysis in ovarian tissues, and his strong record in basic scientific research and genetics has proven invaluable for patients experiencing infertility. Dr. Radjabi’s curriculum vitae lists 32 peer-reviewed papers and articles, some of which were presented at international and national meetings. He has also written two chapters in major books in his field.