Male Infertility

As a rule, if you’re not conceiving after 6-12 months of well-timed unprotected sex, both partners should be tested for infertility.

For men, low sperm count or motility, or the absence of sperm, are common causes of infertility that can be detected readily through sample analysis. Men should also be concerned if they experience erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, lumps in their genital area, or have a family history of testicular or prostate cancer.

Once we identify the cause of male infertility, we offer the treatment that can restore your ability to start a family:


In a small number of cases, hormonal imbalance is the cause of male infertility.
Disruptions in the pituitary gland, which produces the hormones that trigger the creation of testosterone and sperm, can be remedied by prescribing medications to stimulate testosterone and sperm production

Sperm Insertion/Injection

ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is very effective in cases where sperm count is unusually low. In this procedure, a small needle injects a single sperm into an egg that is then transplanted into the uterus. IUI and IVF are also good options for fertilizing eggs when sperm is low-count or abnormal.


An effective tool for men struggling with erectile dysfunction that isn’t rooted in physical or hormonal causes. In such cases, Ferny can refer patients to a professional counselor.


Varicoceles, or enlarged veins in the scrotum that can lead to infertility, can easily be corrected by microsurgery. Other surgical solutions include ejaculatory duct resection, which removes cysts, stones or other materials causing a blockage, and vasectomy reversal. (Yes, a vasectomy can be reversed.)